
ORIGYN Digital Media is a comprehensive ecosystem built for media creators of all types to activate their social capital on the blockchain. We provide tooling for all forms of experiential content, artifacts and marketplaces for the world’s most creative icons and their fans.

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Mimetics & The Metaverse

ORIGYN Digital Media empowers creators and their communities to activate digital works of value. The ORIGYN tokenization method provides an unlimited palette for the wide world of memes and viral phenomena across all mediums and marketplaces with assurance that these artifacts will be securely captured and valued in perpetuity across the Metaverse.

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What challenges do we solve?

ORIGYN Digital Media addresses two primary challenges in the media industry:

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Creator-Led Economies

Content creators have a host of options that they leverage to great effect with Web2 platforms; however, they are hostage to the whims and unfair economics of these incumbent platforms. By providing both the economic engine that is tokenization of all value, as well as experiential infrastructure for content communities, ORIGYN Digital Media creates completely novel business opportunities for the creative class that have never existed accessibly at scale.

Digital Rights Management

The world’s leading creatives most often are forced to place their work product within notoriously unfavorable positions with opaque financial outcomes. By providing on-chain minting, storage and smart contract tooling for creators to certify, monetize and track their success, ORIGYN Digital Media provides revolutionary powers for independent creators to build their legacy and deepen all aspects of their relationships with their fan communities.

Governance Structure

ORIGYN Digital Media governance is comprised of legendary creative icons spanning the global media, entertainment, gaming and design industries. Each of these leaders operate “Nodes” that work with the ORIGYN Foundation to mint valuable assets and provide oversight on the authenticity of the inventory being offered. These Nodes also vote to direct the ORIGYN Digital Media vertical and, if desired, can offer branded marketplaces to select partners of interest.

How to buy and sell

ORIGYN Digital Media provides infrastructure for iconic creators to precisely mint natively digital content, physical artifacts and dynamic hybrid NFTs that rewards them and their fans. ORIGYN marketplaces provide best-in-class experiences for humanity’s treasured assets.

Digital Twin

Once our governance approves a digital media asset to be added to the ORIGYN protocol, it is then tokenized as a digital twin—a solitary, tamperproof version of the original asset that may be both physical and virtual in format. This ORIGYN Digital Media twin becomes the genesis state for collectors and fans to experience and monetize on open NFT marketplaces with insured proof for buyers to confirm the originality and ownership of the asset.

Community participation

The digitized NFT asset presents creators with the option of selling participatory stakes in communally owned artifacts. This capability enables fan communities to provide proposals and guidance on how the asset’s value and integration with other complimentary elements from the creator’s world is executed. Community members who join the collective pool of owners are also NFT key holders with special privileges and brand relationships unique to them.

Transferability & Storage

ORIGYN Digital Media will support partners and creators with on-chain storage for the assets as well as insurance for its authenticity. In the instances where an accompanying physical asset is married to the virtual, ORIGYN can provide logistics support for shipping the asset, as well as storage options for preservation. All digital media asset sales, institutional and self-custodial wallets will be supported by ORIGYN as well.

The technology

ORIGYN runs on the Internet Computer (IC), developed by the DFINITY Foundation. The IC is a revolutionary, decentralized global compute platform leveraged to mint, maintain and transfer digital twins. Advanced cryptography and decentralized technology make the protocol tamper-proof and efficiently scalable. Built upon the foundation of the IC’s superior technology, ORIGYN Digital Media aims to become the most creative–driven prestige collectible content marketplace.

The advantages

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Opens New Opportunities for Legacy & Native Digital Artists To Monetize Content

Unique, Highly Performant User Experience and On-Chain Playback Infrastructure

Elevates Creative Brands & Fosters Independent Creator Success

Unlocks Global Digital Media Revenues Without Territorial Restrictions

Provides A Spectrum of Price & Community Participation

Enables Economic & Analytic Transparency for Creators, Collectors & Community

Ensures Digital Media Rights Are Preserved and Monetized

Provides Unique Combinatorial Variations of Virtual & Physical Collections